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summer hiatus

Hello there! Is it summer yet in your neck of the woods? Here in the Methow Valley, today is pleasantly cool and cloudy but the temperature has already climbed into the 80s at least a couple of times over the past week. Hailing from a northern climate, my husband and I much prefer today's weather to those I-want-to-take-all-my-clothes-off-and-jump-into-the-river days. So, Moscow Gourmet Kitchen is going on hiatus this summer while we escape to Alaska.

Between early to mid-June and some time in September, we will be staying on a farm near Homer, a fishing town on the Kenai Peninsula. While I look forward to many things related to this adventure, including the week-long road trip, the rugged Alaska landscapes, and the opportunity to live on and contribute to an off-grid, largely self-sustaining homestead, as a food enthusiast I am also very excited about the abundance of organic produce on the farm. Additionally, the Homer area is apparently home to many Old Believers, descendants of Christians who stuck to traditional ways when theological reforms spit the Russian Orthodox Church in the 17th century. I'm curious to see if these folks, most of whom have lived outside of Russia for several generations, have preserved their culinary traditions, and how their Russian cuisine might differ from the one I'm used to.

So, please check this blog and especially my Facebook page (link on the bottom right of every page on this website) for updates over the summer. I will try to post regular, brief updates to Facebook and occasional, longer updates to this blog while I am away. And, if you are one of those people who really plan ahead, feel free to reach out to schedule my services - a class, a private dinner, or meal prep - for October 2017 or later. Have a beautiful summer, whether you prefer it hot or cool, and see you in the fall!

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